The Bagpiper

The Bagpiper is the official publication of the Scottish Terrier Club of America (STCA) and mailed to STCA members via First Class USPS postage at an additional $20 per year. Note: Bulk mailing will no longer be available with membership. A digital version is shared with AKC judges and the AKC library.

For non-members, annual bulk mailed subscriptions (4 issues) are available from the Circulation Manager at a cost of $50.00 (US). There is a $20.00 (US) surcharge for Canadian and Mexican subscriptions and a $40.00 (US) surcharge for all other foreign subscriptions to cover mailing costs.

A limited supply of back issues are available from the Circulation Manager at a cost of $14.00 (US including postage) for one issue OR four for $38 (US including postage). Please contact the Circulation Manager to inquire as to availability of specific issues OR the costs to order and ship more than 4 issues before sending any money.

All artwork and graphics published in The Bagpiper and on the STCA website are the property of the artist, photographer or owner and may not be reproduced in any form – including other websites – without written permission obtained in accordance with the STCA copyright policy.

Article and Ad Deadlines

Articles to be published in The Bagpiper should be submitted so as to arrive at the Editor’s Desk no later than the deadlines indicated below.

Bagpiper #1

January 30th

Bagpiper #2

April 15th

Bagpiper #3

July 15th

Bagpiper #4

October 15th

To Advertise in The Bagpiper

Please click on the following categories for detailed information about submitting your ads to The Bagpiper:

The Bagpiper General Advertising

The Bagpiper welcomes kennel/dog related ads from STCA members, owners, breeders and exhibitors. This is a great way to show off your Scottie and it also documents our breed for posterity.

Full or half-page ads in color or black & white. There are two options for color; full color; deluxe color which is all color to the edge with full bleed or, econo color which is color photo only with a white, grey or black background. Special discounts apply to New Champion and camera-ready ads for full page color ads only. All covers (front, inside front, inside back, and back) and all black and white ads are excluded from the discount. The Bagpiper is not responsible for content of ads submitted as camera ready.

Ads that contain claims regarding award standings must indicate the source and date. The Bagpiper is not responsible for the claims made within ads submitted by members.


The Bagpiper announces a new section, Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee), that will run in each issue pending receipt of advertising. This new section is open to anyone who wishes to honor their Scottish Terrier. This includes a happy birthday wish, gotcha day, new pup, memorial, thank you, anniversary, etc. Tell us your story!

The layout is for a half page deluxe color. The background will remain the same throughout the spread. Each ad should consist of photo (.jpg) and text (.docx). Your ad will be laid out for you. The price per half page ad is $95.00.

Bagpiper Pricing Form

Note: This form is just a table you can use to calculate your total – it does not do the calculations and you cannot enter amounts in it.  Calculate your total and enter that total below.

Bagpiper Disclaimer: Advertisers certify that contents of their ad(s) are accurate to the best of their knowledge.

Type of Advertisement Cost per Page
Front Cover (full color) Note: Two front covers are awarded by lottery each year. The Montgomery and Rotating covers are reserved and assigned. $400
Back Cover (full color) $375
Inside Front Cover (full color) $350
Inside Back Cover (full color) $350
Full Page Deluxe Color (color picture with color background) $325
Full Page Economy Color (color picture, B&W background) $250
Half Page Economy Color (color picture, B&W background) $125
Half Page  “Ceilidh” Storytelling Ad Color $95
Full Page Black and White (1 B&W photo) $90
Half Page Black and White (1 B&W photo) $50
Business Card Ad (per issue, landscape B&W only) $40
Business Card Ad Yearly Special (4 issues, if you reserve by issue 1 in January) $100
Stud Dog Ad (Issue 1 only) – one quarter page $40
Stud Dog Ad (Issue 1 only) – half page $80
Per extra color photo (only if you do not provide press ready electronic art) $20
Per extra B&W photo (only if you do not provide press ready electronic art) $10
Coupon if camera ready – The Bagpiper is not responsible for content of ads submitted as camera ready. $25
Coupon for New Champions – The Bagpiper is not responsible for content of ads submitted as camera ready. $25

There is a $25 discount per full page color ad if you provide press ready formatted electronic ad (discount applies to full page color ads only). NOTE: Discounts are not offered on full or half-page black & white ads OR for the front, inside front, inside back and back cover. The Bagpiper is not responsible for content of ads submitted as camera ready.

The Bagpiper Advertising Information

Detailed Ad Specifications can be found in the Bagpiper or here.

  • If you are sending final electronically formatted ads
    • Acceptable formats (in order of preference) are:
      Preferred: TIFF format, uncompressed, 300 dpi or better
      – Jpg format, high quality, 300 dpi or better
      – Least Preferred: PDF format, high quality, 300 dpi
  • Free Basic Formatting. The Bagpiper can provide basic formatting for you.
  • Discounts do not apply to ads created by the Bagpiper staff
  • Submit your images and copy in electronic format, if possible.
  • Send separate ad submission for each ad whether full page or partial page. This is to reduce confusion on what is included in each ad.
  • For the text and instructions, submit in word, text or even email format – something that can be ‘cut and pasted’.
  • For images, high quality 300 or higher dpi TIFF or JPEG files.
    • Note: Camera phone images will probably not be high enough quality for Bagpiper print.
  • For Logos and line art, 300 dpi TIFF is preferred. JPEG does not reproduce logos well. If you must send Jpeg, they must be high quality.
  • If you want to have adjacent pages, please make appropriate comments in the notes.
Bagpiper Advertisement Form
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, jpg, png, gif, tiff, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    .pdf, .doc, .jpg, .png, .gif, .tiff

  • Bagpiper Advertisement

    Please complete your ad submission. Include a brief description of the ad, dogs, etc. Include any special instructions like copy to overlay or photo coming from a third party.

    You can send your ad in parts if needed. Send in any information you have to reserve a spot in a particular issue.

    If you are selecting the front cover, front inside cover, back cover or back inside cover, confirm with the editor before purchasing.

    If you are sending in your payment or photo or copy information in different submissions, remember to pay only once. Also include something to tie the different submissions together like dog's name, description of the photo eg specialty winners dog, judges name.

    You can only submit one ad at a time. If you have multiple submissions for the same issue, repeat this process for each ad.

  • Discounts

    NOTE: Discounts are not offered on full or half-page black & white ads OR for the front, inside front, inside back and back covers. The Bagpiper is not responsible for content of ads submitted as camera ready.

    $25 discount if camera ready
    Enter coupon code "CameraReady" into Coupon field below - The Bagpiper is not responsible for content of ads submitted as camera ready.

    $25 discount for New Champions
    Enter coupon code "NewChampion" into Coupon field below - Must indicate New Champion in the ad.

    (Note the $25 discount does NOT apply to ads created by the Bagpiper staff)

  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The Bagpiper Stud Dog Ads

Featured in issue #1 only. Stud Dog Ads are to advertise the available breeding males. Quarter or half-page black & white ads. Typically, these include a profile picture plus 3 generation pedigree and brief description of the dogs.

The Bagpiper Stud Dog Ad Information


Half page ads precede quarter page ads and will be alphabetized in each section.

To complete, you need to send a photo, send a completed template and make a payment.


Send photo of your dog separately IN HIGH RESOLUTION- 300 dpi minimum jpeg format. The photo should be at least 5 x 8 inches black and white. Side profile of only the dog is preferred. However, if all you have is a photo with people in it like a show photo, we can crop if needed.

Completed Template:

Complete your ad using the below template for your dog.

Download and follow the instructions in the STUD DOG ADVERTISING TEMPLATE

You need:
  • Your address and contact information
  • 3 generation pedigree
  • 75 word or less description of the dog PLUS the registration number
  • Include any titles in front of the dog’s names such as GCH or CH.
  • You can re-use information from previous ads. So, initial setup needs to be done only once.

Complete the rest of this form to pay via a PayPal account or a credit card.


Please send files electronically in a word document to Pam Williams at
Original photos may be mailed. Include a prepaid return envelope for the photo to be returned.
Any questions? Email Pam Williams, Editor

Bagpiper Stud Dog Advertisement Form
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, jpg, png, gif, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    .pdf, .doc, .jpg, .png, .gif
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, jpg, png, gif, docx, txt, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 3.
      Additional files (up to 3)
    • Stud Dog Ads

      You can submit multiple ads at the same time OR use separate submissions for each dog.

      Pick number of 1/4 page or 1/2 page ads. If you want a mixture -- you need to do separate form

    • $0.00
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    The Bagpiper Business Card Ads

    Business cards for kennels are accepted for the January issue and will run for four issues. They can be inserted in issues throughout the year for additional cost.

    Bagpiper Business Card Advertising Information

    Business cards are for members only to advertise your kennel.

    The best deal is to contract for a full year – four issues for $100!

    At only $25 per issue it’s a sweet savings.

    To get this deal you need to start your ad in the first issue of the year.

    If you place a card ad only once, or after the beginning of the year, the cost will be $40 per issue.

    All business card ads are in black and white landscape format. Business cards that are not landscape will need to be re-formatted.

    You can email your ad (jpeg or tiff format preferred) to Editor, Pam Williams
    OR, you may send an actual business card to be scanned to:

    Pam Williams
    1524 State Route 749
    Amelia, OH 45102

    Paying for Your Ad

    If you cannot or do not want to pay electronically, please contact the Bagpiper Editor about your plans. Remember your payment must also reach the club prior to the deadline.

    Send check, made payable to “STCA” directly to:

    Scottish Terrier Club of America – c/o Steve Russell, Treasurer

    P.O. Box 92, Saint Charles, IL 60174-0092

    Bagpiper Business Card Advertisement Form
    • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • $0.00
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Sending Your Ad

    The preferred method is electronically. Please send your electronic copy via email to the Bagpiper Editor.

    Most likely, you will be able to send only one image at a time due to typical email size limits. If doing multiple pages or multiple partial pages, send each ad separately. This is to avoid confusion as to which images, text, etc belong with which ad.

    If you cannot submit electronically, contact the Bagpiper Editor to make arrangements. Basic ads will be created for you at no additional cost. Note, when submitting hard copy materials, photo quality cannot be reproduced without the original format. Text must be typewritten along with any layout requests.

    Pam Williams
    1524 State Route 749
    Amelia, OH 45102

    If you have questions, contact Pam Williams, Editor (

    Paying for your ad

    Electronic payment is preferred. Please use one of the “Submit your Ad” buttons above to submit your ad and make a payment. The form will help you compute the proper payment. You can use PayPal or your credit card. There is no PayPal fee/surcharge/convenience fee for submitting via PayPal.  If you need to make an adjustment payment or pay some alternative way – go to STCA General Payment under About the STCA

    If you cannot or do not want to pay electronically, please contact the Bagpiper Editor about your plans. Remember your payment must also reach the club prior to the deadline.

    Send check, made payable to “STCA” directly to:

    Scottish Terrier Club of America – c/o Steve Russell, Treasurer
    P.O. Box 92
    Saint Charles, IL 60174-0092

    Any questions, contact Steve Russell.

    Thank you for the support.

    We are currently seeking assistance with Advertising.
    If you would be interested in learning more, please contact the Editor. No experience required.